Unique Poetry in PEGOMAG…called PEGO IN VERSE

28 01 2010

What really is unexpected?
How is it different from a dream ?
Ah ! Let me stand corrected…
are they not one…or so they seem !
You may laugh and find it funny…
Fishes flying in the air..
But dont you see funnier dreams
or is there a point.. …a difference there ???

Your mind rejects unblazened trails
and you walk around familiar streets
…but same mind…it spins fairy tales
in your dreams….oh ! what feats !!!

do you see a pattern here ?
or still wish to believe…
that logic knows everything…
and dreams simply deceive !!!

…this mind of yours…no friend in deed
till the day you cease to ‘expect’
all ‘un-knowns’ have a seed for sure
somewhere else…not in intellect !!!
What you know as mind… is just a part
your mind has an unending domain
shun logic ! burst in a song…
and take no umbrella…this time in rain !

for more unique poetry: